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Report of the Rochester Pickwick Club Year 2020


Special thanks to Clubber for his organisational skills for arranging the events of the past year. However we did miss out on several events pre-planned for the last 6 months due to the Coronarvirus pandemic.

In November 2019 the Chairman attended the Dickens costume sale at the Guildhall Rochester,

there were plenty of interesting items on sale and well worth a visit to see what is on offer. The

club also managed a night out at the dogs in Sittingbourne. We had 14 attendees in all, we had a

great time and all agreed that we should do it again in 2020.

In December 2019, we attended the Dickens festival. The festival drew a record crowd this year,

we were stationed outside the TI centre in the middle of things and our singing this year of carols

really pleased the crowd. Our thanks to Perker (and wife) for providing the music sheets, keeping

us in good voice and of course not forgetting his dancing!! A real crowd pleaser! The after festival

dinner held at the Gordon Hotel was a convivial affair, held again in the back room, which

although not as colourful as the front room, afforded more elbow room particularly for our ladies

and their dresses! We had in attendance three relics, two guests as well as the Mayor and his lady


January, the Annual New Year Dinner held at the St Georges Hotel was well attended by

members, guests and relics and a most agreeable time was had by all. Thanks must go to the

Secretary and wife who, yet again, spent time and energy in decorating the tables. To be fair while

the meal was convivial and a warm friendly atmosphere complaints from the ladies centred on the

coolness of the room and the inconvenience of not having the bar open downstairs, prompted the

suggestion that another venue should be sought. However overall another good evening.

Also in January, the Chairman and Secretary attended the Dickens Festival “wash up” meeting

details of which were circulated at the February committee meeting.

February we had our committee meeting where Clubber presented a list of six events for 2020

(excluding our usual meals and festivals) which had the potential for being the most events carried

out a year for a long while. The first of these events was held in February and was “A Dickens of a

Murder” a murder mystery play performed at the Criterion Theatre, Bluetown on the Isle of

Sheppey. Although the Chairman was unable to attend it was a costumed event and it was

reported that it was a very enjoyable evening and again fourteen members attend. Being as we

were in costume (and the main audience was not) we received many comments and questions.

Mid February saw our President in hospital for a few days, your Chairman bade him a visit in

hospital and am pleased to say that he was discharged shortly after (much to the disappointment

of the nursing staff) who were somewhat delighted by his bedside manner!

March, on the 3rd we held our first dining meeting at Confucious restaurant in Chatham (in

costume) primarily to enrol Tony Aldous as a member. Our President welcomed him in and

presented Tony with the usual accoutrements along with a framed certificate. We had a complaint

{in a nice way) from one member present who said that his certificate had not been framed! The

President rectified this a few days later and that member reported back that he was most

satisfied! The other reason for choosing Confuciuos was that the Chinese people had taken a bit

of a bashing over Covid 19 outbreak and the Club wanted to show support for the Chinese

community in Chatham.

The next day, the Chairman (and wife), along with Mr.Pickwick were invited to attend (in costume)

to assist in the 100th birthday celebrations of Mabel, a resident of the British Legion Village over in

Maidstone. A talk on Victorian ladies under garments was given by Chrissie Wells much to the

delight of an audience of about 70 strong. A talk was also given about the Club and the

forthcoming Dickens Festival. There was strong support to arrange a coach trip for residents who

wanted to pay us a visit in June.

In late March the Covid epidemic became a pandemic and the UK went into lockdown. This

remained in place for April, May, June, the June Dickens Festival to commemorate 150 years of

his passing was cancelled. Our calendar of events was decimated, much to the chagrin of

Clubber, but hopefully we will be able carry those forward into 2021.

July,as the lockdown eased but still no indoor meetings allowed, however the club held its first

meeting since February via Zoom. 9 members attended (including the President who dressed up

for the occasion), some say that he should be fined but is was charming to have him participating

in such a way So no fines were levied. Several members were unable to participate due to other

commitments, however the experience was enjoyed by those taking part and while some

business was transacted some items on the agenda were carried forward to the August meeting.

The session was ended with a lusty rendition of God Save the Queen and although a little out of

sync it caused much merriment among the participants.

August there was a “costumed” event in Rochester, promoted by the steampunks. It was

primarily steampunks although there was one or two Victorian characters taking part. Myself

(Winkle) and Clubber, along with their ladies went along and gave their support (mainly in the

hostelries in the High Street) but great fun and great company non the less. Also in August we

held another Zoom meeting, this time with increased numbers (11 members were present). The

President opened this meeting in his usual witty and amusing way recounting earlier days in

Singapore and not forgetting the inevitable Singapore Sling, cheers! Despite it being a formal

meeting, the chatter and banter that expounded was really heartening and uplifting to see

members who would have been unable to get out and about under the current conditions. All

agreed it was great fun.

So despite such an unprecedented year what with Covid and all, thankfully all our members

remain in rude health (and long may that continue). | believe that the Zoom meetings certainly

helped morale towards the end of our year and both of which have given me great pleasure and

thanks to the President for his humorous input into those meetings. Hopefully next year we can

get back to some sort of norm and embark on the events that Clubber so painstakingly arranged

tor 2020 in 2021.

Attendances this year of “Gold Members” {including Zoom meetings) is slightly improved over last

year with attendance ranging from 100% down to 25% so well done to Smiggers and Perker for

being top of the pile (yet again) with Dowler & Dodson holding the rest of us up. Membership of

the RPC is as you know a “privilege” and not a “right” and as such relies on consistency of

support so | am hoping to be able to report improved statistics in next years report.

100% Winkle, Smiggers & Perker

75% Wardle & Weller

50% Boldwig, Stareleigh, Clubber, President, Bantum & Pickwick

25% Dowler & Dodson


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