September The AGM was held and the yearly report was presented, also the officers were appointed for the forthcoming year.
October Unfortunately the scheduled visit to Sittingbourne greyhounds had to be cancelled however it will be scheduled for next year as the Club thoroughly enjoyed last years event.
November The beginning of November saw the Gentlemen, dining in costume at the Three Crutches in Strood for their meeting. A very delicious dinner took place (a little later than expected) as one of our number was unable to locate the pub. He was close but not on the button. After much merriment the search party found him and all was well. Some business was transacted and mine host went out of his way to make us feel welcome. He did ask us if we would turn on the Christmas lights of his establishment (along with our ladies of course) to which we readily agreed. A week later, as invited, a strong contingent from the Club attended, again in costume, and eventually switched on the lights after singing some carols. The singing carried on inside the pub much to the delight of other customers inside. A great night and many thanks to the Landlord who provided us with food and drink.
December December was a very busy time. The first week in December saw the Club at the Dickensian Christmas Festival starting with 14 members and wives attending the Mistletoe Ball. A very good evening ensued and much dancing (including Smiggers) who certainly “cut the rug” with his moves! Both Saturday and Sunday found us most industrious with an interview about the Club on the main stage, followed by the two parades and two photo shoots, one at the Guildhall and the other outside Eastgate House on both days. On Saturday it was very cold and on Sunday it was very wet, however on all four occasions we entertained large audiences with our renditions of carols and God save the Queen! Pickwick introduced the singing as “wassailing” BUT the combined voices of us all proved to be a hit. We did find time to meet up for dinner on the Saturday evening and also the after festival dinner, this time at the Masonic Hall. This meal was well attended with 22 members and ladies, plenty of banter and lots of ideas for next year events. The following week, the Chairman and Mrs Wells visited a local primary school, in costume, to have a session with year 6 pupils to talk about Dickens and Victorian Times as this forms part of their curriculum. Some extremely good questions were raised by the pupils and it was a delight to have been invited to give the talk.
January At the beginning of January we held our annual dinner. It was well attended by 24 members and wives. The meal (7 courses) was excellent, the entertainment (organised by Pickwick (Tony) was also excellent. 45 minutes of song and music covering many decades with songs that we all knew. At one point the whole gathering joined in with much gusto much to the merriment of the entertainers, but who also were very appreciative of our vocal talents. Thanks to Smiggers, Clubber and their ladies for decorating the tables. A great night was had by all.
February Was a quiet month.
March RPC had their management meeting at the Conservative Club. The schedule events for 2024 dates and activities were agreed There was also sad news in March when we were told that the wife (Rosalie) of the Founder of RPC had passed away. Members attended the funeral.
April In early April we were to have our first costumed management committee meeting at the new venue of The Three Crutches, unfortunately this had to be postponed because the venue had their chef leave at very short notice. Also in late April our first costumed lunch with the ladies went ahead at the Three Crutches. This event was well attended, the new chef did us proud and everyone enjoyed themselves (and we have the the photos to proved it).
May Saw the RPC boarding the train at Tenterden and despite the inclement weather conditions and the unscheduled stop halfway through the journey all enjoyed the trip immensely. The chosen hostelry for the day was the Lemon Tree and although a bit of a hoof up the incline, once ensconced the gathered throng enjoyed a hearty meal and great companionship.
June Saw us at the NON Dickens festival day…there was a great turnout of the Pickwickian’s alongside several other groups (totalling some 150) to parade up and down Rochester High Street. The weather was kind and the feeling was that we should do it again next year. The day concluded at the Gordon Hotel with a meal (and dare I say that they had upped their game in terms of quality of the meal, presentation and service, so well dome to Mae and your team. The tail end of June saw a party of 9 Pickwikian’s meet at Doughty Street London for a visit to the Dickens Museum and enjoyed the hour and a half tour. Following this we made a short walk to The Lamb where we enjoyed a good chat and extremely good food, again the weather was kind to us (no jackets required).
July Rowlands was the chosen venue for the costumed meeting of RPC (the notified venue of the Three Crutches had to be changed at short notice as the “Euros” appeared to take precedence over RPC). However, heigh ho, the meeting went very well with a strong attendance of members.
August On a very warm afternoon in August the members along with their wives (22 in total) gathered at the Chairman’s house for afternoon tea. After a welcoming snifter at the bar (served so eloquently by Katy, complete in mob cap and apron) tea was served in the dining room. A beautiful spread of quiche, sandwiches, scones, tarts and cake not forgetting tea! After eating the party moved into the garden and the conviviality continued with chatter and laughter (and more drinks). After a while the entertainment started (pig racing), place your bets with the winner takes 75% with the other 25% going to club funds. Lots of cheering ensued to encourage the pigs, 6 races in all and the club benefited to the tune of £35. With the sun going down members departed and a great day was had by all.
As you can imagine, the past year has seen us enjoy a very active year with many events taking place, several of which we also enjoyed along with our ladies. Thanks must go to Charles for organising this years events, Brian, Les and ladies for dressing the tables for the Annual dinner and Katy for running the bar and clearing dinner plates at the afternoon tea and lastly thanking you, the members for attending the events for without you these could not take place.
Please do not forget that membership of the RPC is as you know is a “privilege” and not a “right” and as such relies on consistency of support although I would urge you to identify at least one potential candidate each to join us, we have plenty of room for Associate members who hopefully would ensure continuity of the Club well into the future. Thank you fellow Pickwickians for your support over the last year.