Fortunately Covid restrictions were eased during mid 2021 and while some members remained “shielding” we were able to resume regular meetings “face to face”.
The AGM was the second “face to face” meeting in 2021 with things returning to near normal? The yearly report was presented and the officers were appointed for the forthcoming year.
RPC held a “face to face” committee meeting at Gillingham.
RPC held a committee meeting. The Dickens festival went ahead and was well attended. The Mistletoe Ball also went ahead, again well attended and all had a thoroughly good time alas no RPC table this year. We did however have a wonderful evening at Sol Y Sombrero organised by Katie (an Associate member) our heart felt thanks go to her. The “young” Victoria made another rude appearance on the first parade, however Howard managed to sort it for the remaining parades. The usual after festival meal at the Gordon was also well attended with the Mayor in attendance along with a prospective member (Tony Setter) and Kirstine. It was reported that all had a convivial and enjoyable evening.
The annual RPC dinner took place at the Masonic Hall Rochester, with 17 members and wives in attendance along with Charles (prospective member) and wife Brenda Mundy. An excellent meal was consumed, interspersed with robust singing from the gentlemen and also an impromptu quiz on the Pickwick Papers. All in all a very agreeable evening and certainly agreed that we all would all like return to the venue.
Unfortunately this month we received the sad news that Deidre Munns, wife of club member Norman Munns (Slumkey) passed away. May she Rest in Peace.
RPC held a committee meeting at Gillingham and Dowler (Andy Smith) advised that our website was now up and running. It is well worth the visit!
RPC held a committee meeting at Gillingham.
The Summer Dickens this year was billed as “The Jubilee weekend with a Dickens Twist”. With only one parade and no photo opportunity on both Saturday and Sunday parades it did however provide more time for meeting the public and socialising (not necessarily in that order)!!. Members gathered at the Sol Y Sombreo (arranged by Kate) in the evening of Saturday and what a convivial night it was! Sunday evening saw us at our usual haunt of the Gordon Hotel for our after festival dinner. Another great evening spent in good company. There were two prospective members with us that evening, Tony Setter and Francoise Barron. The “round robin” caused much mirth, particularly as Francoise tried to say it in French!! We would be expecting them to be inducted at the next committee meeting in October and the December Dickens festival respectively. A day out in London that was planned for the 21st June had to be cancelled due to a rail strike!
On the 4th July 11 members of the Club met at St.Peters Church (Covent Garden) where we listened intently to a piano recital inside the Church. We the moved off and proceeded to Lincolns Inn and walked through the gardens which were amazing. We made our way down to the Thames and entered Middle Temple and arrived at “Temple” (St.Marys) and looked inside the Church. It was built by the Knights Templar and modelled on the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem. Next we proceeded down Fleet Street and entered the Hostelry of Ye Olde Cheshire Cheese. Here we resided and enjoyed pub grub and drinks while soaking up the atmosphere of a building erected in 1667! After a rendition of “my friend and your friend” later followed by a lusty rendition of the “Loyal Toast” we departed along to St.Pauls and then onto Mansion House where the group (rather breathless by now) departed and going their separate ways. A good day was had by all…well done to our tour guide Les (Clubber).
Members attended the funeral of one of our members, Roger Malden (Captain Boldwig), all were in costume and we had a good turnout for a much beloved member. In August we also made a visit to the Leather Bottle at Cobham, again in costume. Some members visited the church and Alms Houses which provided a photo opportunity for the residents, others walked the gardens of the hostelry, some even sat outside and supped ale!! What followed was good food, good company, more singing which apparently excited the other diners and yet another great day out for us Pickwickians.
As the last event in our yearly calendar in early the Chairman (Nathaniel Winkle) and his wife Chrissie invited fellow Pickwickians to afternoon tea at his residence in all there were 24 members and wives present. The weather was kind to us, much mirth, merriment and imbibing followed and altogether we agreed that a very delightful afternoon was had by all. Hopefully to be re-visited next year!
Attendances this year of “Gold Members” (including Zoom meetings) is similar to last year although we did have a couple of no shows for the year (both with good reason I might add). Attendance ranged from 100% down to zero however, well done to Smiggers for remaining top of the pile (yet again) and the only one. Please remember that membership of the RPC is as you know is a “privilege” and not a “right” and as such relies on consistency of support and I am pleased to add that our recruitment drive is starting to have an effect, and there are several gentlemen wishing to join us. Thank you fellow Pickwickians for your support in the last year.
100% Smiggers
75% Winkle, Wardle, Clubber, Parker & Pickwick
50% Weller, Boldwig, Stareleigh & President
25% Bantum, Slumkey, Dodson & Grummer
Zero Flasher & Dowler