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Report of the Rochester Pickwick Club Year 2019


I am pleased to report that there has been an increase in events this year that have been attended

by the Rochester Pickwick Club and special thanks to Clubber for his organisational skills for

arranging those events.

In December 2018, although | was unable to attend | am given to understand that the Dickens

Festival was well attended by members and the after festival dinner held at the Gordon Hotel was

a convivial affair.

In January, the Annual New Year Dinner held at the St Georges Hotel was well attended by

members, guests and relics and a most agreeable time was had by all. Thanks must to the

Secretary and wife who decorated the tables and all who attended appeared to enjoy the evening.

In April, members of RPC and wives attended an evening meal at Confucious restuarant in

Chatham unfortunately we were unable to wear costume as the seating arrangements were, to say the least, tight. However a good time was had by all and it was good to have had Kirsten Carr

with us.

In mid May we had the usual Dickens costume sale at the Corn Exchange, always worth a visit

perhaps to bag those odd bits and bargains of apparel.

In June, we had the Dickens Festival. Crowds appeared to be a little down on previous years

although the weather was kind. Chrissie Wells was appointed as an Ambassador for the festival

and by the end of the Festival she had recruited several more. The idea being was to encourage

visitors (who may be in costume but still think the parade is a closed shop) to join in, while also

being on the look out for potential new recruits for RPC and or other Dickens oriented groups!

This year the Dickens Bail that starts the festival had a “seaside” theme, the hall was well

decorated, and the revellers got into the mood with their dress. The cost was kept lower than the

previous and the food too, was of a high standard. We were AGAIN left off the programme,

however the position we took up outside the TIC for the photo shoot proved popular with the

visitors as did our Entertainments officer who not only provided a cracking set of song sheets but

also added a dance routine into the mix. Also being aided and abetted by his wifel!

Sunday saw us attending the memorial service to Charles Dickens at the Cathedral and the laying

of the wreath at the Charles Dickens memorial the Chairman did a short reading. It is good to

report that members attending both days were up on last year and long may this continue, my

thanks to those who attended.

The after festival dinner was well attended by members and we had to move to the back room of

the Gordon to fit us all in comfortably, and thanks must go to the staff who attended us well. It

became quite noisy at one stage with all that banter flying across the room. A really convivial and

enjoyable evening was had by all.

In July there was the “Festival Wash Up” meeting which was attended by the Chairman where he

was able to put forward several questions that were pertinent to RPC, these were answered by

Verne in a positive manner.

July also saw us have not one BUT two outings. The first was to London, starting at Covent

Garden and going to various haunts of Charles Dickens in that area. We visited the Actors Church

in Covent Garden, close by the place were he worked as a clerk, then onto his print room (which

is now a wine bar) drinks were a bit pricey but hey ho. From there a short walk to The Old

Curiosity Shop which now sells hand made shoes from £250 a pair!! Then back to the Lamb and

Flag, a hostelry Charles did frequent, where we had a marvellous pub lunch and good

conversation ensued.

Our second visit in July was to Cobham, we all went in costume, we walked round the church

where we caused quite a stir and had our photographs taken. We went round the back of the

church to look at the Alms houses. Here again, we caused a bit of a stir as residents wanted to

know more about us and even one resident came down and gave us a guided tour of the building

while imparting the history to us. As we were leaving, several other residents joined us for

photographs, very enjoyable, then it was over to the Leather Bottle, an Inn on the other side of the

road where Dickens often stayed. We enjoyed a hearty meal which started with a gustily “God

Save the Queen” much to the delight of the staff and other diners in the restaurant!

August found our President, Mr Pickwick, the Chairman and wife in the British Legion Village in

costume over at Aylesford. After an introduction by Chrissie Wells, our President (the guest

speaker) enthralled an audience of a group of elderly residents numbering around fifty, with his

tales and anecdotes of his 40 years of being Mr Pickwick and the origins of the RPC, most

enlightening. Interesting as was when one of the residents reminded him of a time in Calais were

they had been on a photo shoot with 2 Page 3 Girls our President had difficulty in recollecting that


Attendances this year of “Gold Members” is slightly improved over last year with attendance

ranging from 100% down to 25% so well done to Smiggers and Perker for being top of the pile

with Boldwig Starleigh and Dodson holding the rest of us up. Membership of the RPC is as you

know a “privilege” and not a “right” and as such relies on consistency of support so | am hoping

to be able to report improved statistics in next years report.

100% Smiggers & Perker

75% Winkle, Clubber & Weller

50% Bantum, Wardle & President

30% Pickwick

25% Boldwig, Dodson & Starleigh


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