Cyril Baldwin stepped down at beginning of the year as Chairman of the Rochester Pickwick Club
Chris Wells was voted in as the new Chairman. Cyril was given the title of President of the RPC
In January, the Annual New Year Dinner held at the St Georges Hotel was attended by members, guests and relics and a most agreeable time was had by all. Thanks to the Secretary and wife who
decorated the tables and all who attended
In March UCA College Chatham extended an invitation to the Club to attend exhibition of Dickens
inspired items made by students. The Secretary and his wife attended, along with the Chairmen,
where we saw exhibits ranging from clothing to learning materials to interactive displays around
Rochester and Chatham using smartphone technology and QR codes. There was also an
opportunity to speak with the students and discuss their work. A truly inspiring evening.
In mid May we had the usual Dickens costume sale at the Corn Exchange, always worth a visit
perhaps to bag those odd bits and bargains of apparel.
In June we had the Summer Dickens Festival, Cyril appeared as Samuel Pickwick for the last time
(40 years supporting this venue, thank you Cyril for all the joy you have brought to what be
millions in your characterisation of Samuel Pickwick, thank you seems very little in the greater
scheme of things but it is heartfelt from all of us at the RPC. We enjoyed great weather...... good
crowds but AGAIN we were left off the programme, however it did give us the opportunity to
move out “meet and photograph” the RPC from the usual place up by the Guildhall down to the TI
Centre where we enjoyed a better crowd to our “lusty” singing. It is disappointing to report that
numbers of members supporting the festival this year was down, even to a point where
“outsiders” made comment. The after festival meal in the Gordon has seen more attendees.
Hopefully this will improve at the next festival, however thank you to those of you who did attend.
In July there was the “Festival Wash Up” meeting which was attended by the Chairman where he
was able to put forward several questions that were pertinent to RPC which were answered by
Verne in a positive manner.
July also saw us acquire a new bust for the Club in taking the form of a brass profile, proffered by
Norman (Mr Slumkey) and when united with a wooden plaque gave us the best compromise in an
easily transportable Charles Dickens.
Also in July a new Samuel Pickwick was recruited. Tony Harrold as some of you will recall has
been attending the festival for many years as Mr Bumble. Tony was delighted to be asked to take
the vacant position.
August found a group of members and wives on an outing to London. Specifically to meet at the
Dickens museum in Doughty Street. All enjoyed the tour then walked to the Foundling Museum,
close by, toured that then continued on to one of Dickens most used hostelry “The Lamb” where
we ate a hearty meal together then went our separate ways for the journey home. Many thanks to
Clubber for arranging that outing. Ten out of ten and here is to more of the same (I mean similar)...
ideas please to Clubber.
Final meeting of the year was to Rolands where 9 members enjoyed a great night of conversation
which covered many diverse subjects ranging from history to operations to ribald jokes and
rhymes. The meal was excellent, and the cornpany great, what an evening.
Attendances this year of “Gold Members” ranged from 100% down to 50% so well done to
Smiggers and Clubber for being top of the pile with Lucas and Dodson holding the rest of us up.
Membership of the RPC is as you know a “privilege” and not a “right” and as such relies on
consistency of support so | am hoping to be able to report improved statistics in next years
report. If you would like to know where you are ranked on attendance please see me afterwards.
100% Smiggers & Clubber
90% Winkle & Weller
80% President & Wardle
70% Nupkins & Bantum
60% Stareleigh
50% Lucas & Dodson