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Report of the Rochester Pickwick Club Year 2021


Unfortunately, due to the Covid pandemic and the restrictions placed upon us by the

Government our programme of events was decimated despite the best intentions of

Clubber to maintain the programme. On the plus side we were able to continue the bi-

monthly meetings via Zoom and I was delighted with the response in attendance by our members, which enabled us to continue to have meaningful discussions. My thanks to Dowler for organising the booking of the Zoom meetings.


The AGM was held vis Zoom, the yearly report was presented and officers appointed for the forthcoming year.


RPC held a Zoom meeting and a proposal of reinstating a website taken up by Dowler who volunteered to investigate



RPC held a Zoom meeting. The Dickens festival was cancelled, however news came through that the “new” Fagin (who took over from Colin) has sadly died and so a replacement would need to be found.


A “Virtual Dinner” was held on Zoom (it was well attended) with readings and quiz, my thanks to Bantum for his organisation of the readings.


RPC held a Zoom meeting. Most members had received their first jabs. There was a Zoom reading by Gerald Dickens in mid February on the Staplehurst rail crash which was both interesting and informative. Our President followed up on plaque to commemorate the railcrash at Staplehurst but Southern Rail showed no interest saying “that they would rather forget about it”.

Dowler updated us on the new website and asked for photo’s etc. If Government guidelines permitted then Clubber would organise a meal at the Leather Bottle for 4th July.



RPC held a Zoom meeting as lockdown continues. Bantum advised that there would be no June Dickens festival. Dowler still working on the new website. Clubber organising the meal at the Leather Bottle for July 4th (restrictions permitting).



RPC held another Zoom meeting as Covid restrictions were continuing, Kirsten Carr donated fifteen Dickens books to the Club which now reside with the Secretary. Our heartfelt thanks to Kirsten for this generous donation.Work still ongoing on the website. The proposed meal at the Leather Bottle had to be cancelled due to Covid restrictions. The annual meal has been scheduled for 7th January 2022 at the Masonic Hall Rochester. All members hoping for great things from the Government with the announcement of “freedom day” being 19th July when hopefully restrictions would be relaxed. Dowler advises that hopefully website will be “live” by July. Bantum advises that Christmas Dickens is still planned to go ahead.


Dowler confirms that RPC website is now live and sent all members a link. Having looked at it, we were very impressed with the layout and content and well worth a visit.


With Covid restrictions lifted we had our first “face to face” meeting for over a year. It was a delight to see the gentlemen in person and a lively meeting ensued. With business in hand concluded general banter then carried on, overall a great meeting was had by all.

At the end of August Medway Council arranged the “Cloisterham Event” in the Rochester Castle grounds to include poetry, story telling, drama and music and we were invited (along with other Dickensian Societies) to participate in costume in order to entertain the public and answer any questions that they may raise about Dickens. Some members, including our own Mr.Pickwick, were in attendance.

So Covid continued to dominate this year and played havoc with our planned social

events. My thanks to Clubber for hanging in there and look forward to next years events when we are again all able to enjoy each others company. Thankfully all our members remain in rude health (and long may that continue). I believe that the high attendance at our Zoom meetings certainly helped our well being during this year. My thanks to you all for attending those meetings also thanks to the President for his humorous input into those meetings. Hopefully next year we can get back to some sort of norm and embark on the events that Clubber so painstakingly arranged for 2021 in 2022.

Attendances this year of “Gold Members” (including Zoom meetings) is greatly improved over last year with attendance ranging from 100% down to 60% so well done to Smiggers & Perker for being top of the pile (yet again) being joined by Bantum, Stareleigh and Flasher. There were a couple of other members who were unable to join in on the Zoom meetings due to lack of technology which was unfortunate although I am sure that they were with us in spirit. Membership of the RPC is as you know is a “privilege” and not a “right” and as such relies on consistency of support and I am pleased to say that despite Covid they certainly did that this year, thank you.

100% Smiggers, Perker, Bantum, Stareleigh & Flasher

80% Winkle, Wardle, Clubber & President

60% Weller, Dowler, Dodson, Boldwig, Stareleigh, Clubber & Pickwick


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